Saturday 26 October 2013

Chapter 15: Chanakya Neeti .

Chanakya Neeti Quotes from chapter 15 . Have a look upon them.

A man who has mercy and compassion for all creatures is religious for sure. He does not require any religious symbol or sign to prove  his religiousness.
A guru who shows his disciple the path of righteousness leaves a huge debt. It cannot be payed back as none of the physical objects is so precious.
There are two ways to deal with wicked people and thorns. One is to crush them under your boot and other is to stay away from them.
One who wears dirty clothes, has filthy teeth, oversleeps, and uses foul language. Such person cannot gain prosperity and good health.
When a person looses money. then his woman, friends, servants, and relatives also move away. Upon regaining money they will try to come back.  This means that money is your ultimate relative in this physical world.
The wealth earned by unjust means will perish for sure.
A wrong act done by a person with power is hailed and many times is  justified. On the other hand, a good task done by a poor might not grab that much attention.
Even if a gem be placed on foot and a mirror on head,. Still, the gem will not loose its value.
The knowledge in holy scriptures is like a huge sea. For a man with busy like it will not be possible to read and understand everything. He must act like a swan i.e. attain what is useful and leave the rest.
If a man neglects a hungry and tired  traveler that came to him in hope for some food and himself begins eating. Surely, such person is a charlatan.
If a man recites religious scriptures without bothering to understand the ideas being stated. Such person is not better than a ladle that is dipped in all kinds of food, but is unable to taste even one.
Frequent visitors loose respect. For example: Moon appears so bright until it enters home of Sun (on daily basis) .
Greed is the root cause of troubles. A black bee enjoys nectar from a lotus flower, but  in search of more it goes to forests  and paddy fields where it gets hurt from thorns of different flowers.
The bond of love is supreme  and has a very significant impact on life of a person.  A black bee can drill hole in hard wood, but gets trapped in lotus flower. It can get its  freedom  quite easily, but it hesitates to hurt the flower. 
The fragrance of sandalwood remains even upon chopping it, a bull-elephant does not stops mating even in old age, and sugarcane tastes sweet even upon being crushed. Such is the nature of a high-class men that remains unchanged even in poverty.

* A few verses have been ignored to match modern context. The lines above focus on meaning than simple translation.

चाणक्य जी ने बताया कि राष्ट्र और लोग पारस्परिक शत्रु कैसे बन जाते है .

स्वदेश से अव्यवहित देश के राजा स्वभाव से शत्रु होते हैं |

भावार्थ- जिनसे हर घड़ी सीमा संघर्ष आदि कलह होने की संभावना बनी रहती है ,वह परस्पर शत्रु बन जाते हैं |राज्यधिकारी लोग निकटवर्ती राज्यों से सदा सतर्क रहें और उनकी विरोधी गतिविधि देखते रहें |अहिताचरण करने वालों को संगठित करने वाला स्वभाविक बन्धन है |इस मधुर बन्धन में आबद्द न रहकर दूसरे का सुख छीनने तथा दुःख पहुचाने की स्वार्थी प्रवृत्ति रखने वाले लोग पारस्परिक शत्रु बन जाते हैं |राज्यधिकारी लोग निकटवर्ती राज्यों से सदा सतर्क रहें और उनकी स्वविरोधी गतिविधि देखते रहें |राजा को सदा अपने राज्य की सुरक्षा व्यवस्था के प्रति सतर्क रहना चाहिए |

चाणक्य जी ने बताया कि राजा बनने के लिए क्या योग्यता होनी चाहिए .

नीतिमत्ता का अनुगमन करना ही राजा की योग्यता है |

   भावार्थ- हेतुशास्त्र ,दण्डनीति तथा अर्थशास्त्र नीतिमत्ता के अन्तर्गत आते हैं |शासन-व्यवस्था से सम्बन्ध रखने वालों को इन सब राज्यशास्त्रों का सूक्ष्म ज्ञान होना चाहिए |यदि राज्यधिकारी लोग राज्यशास्त्र से अपरचित रहकर तथा अपने कृत्यों पर कोई सामाजिक नियन्त्रण न रख स्वेच्क्षाचारिता से राज्य करेंगे तो प्रवल अनिष्ट होने सुनिश्चित हैं |राजा को नीतिप्रोक्त नियमों के अनुसार ही आत्मरक्षा तथा प्रजा का का पालन करना चाहिए |बहुत-से राजा अविनय या दुनीति से विनाश पा चुके हैं |अतः राजा को शासन-व्यवस्था से संबधित राज्यशास्त्रों की पूर्ण जानकारी होनी आवश्यक है |

Thursday 24 October 2013

Chanakya Neeti : Art of Disguise.

One of the most appreciated lines of Chanakya Neeti is “Even is a snake is not poisonous, it should pretend to be …
A few valid explanations for those lines are :
·         Do not let your competitor know about your weaknesses.
·         Show your strength when needed
·         Keep your enemies in disguise
Anyhow, those lines have nothing to do with flattery and show-off.  Many misinterpreted it an faced significant losses.
A man must know the entities that must be reveled and what things to be kept as secret. The art of winning is a bout being one step smarter than your opponent.
Suppose you own a business and definitely there will be few competitors. Now, even if your business is not going well; you must pretend everything to be fine.
Why? If they came to know about your bad condition then one or more competitors will double their efforts for throwing you out of business.
In-case, the opponent is not sure about your state then he will execute the plans slowly under fear for his move to backfire.
Note: The quote has nothing to do with showing-off. The whole concept is about acting smart. Its good to show power but not your possession.
Chanakya  has suggested disguise is a very useful tool. Provided you know the trick for valid implementation.

चाणक्य जी ने बताया कि सन्धि विग्रह का व्यवहार कौन से राष्ट्रों के साथ होता है .

1-      राज्य संपृक्त वे पड़ोसी राज्यमण्डल कहलाते हैं जिनके साथ सन्धि और विग्रह होते हैं |

 भावार्थ- सन्धि विग्रहों का व्यवहार पड़ोसी राष्ट्रों के साथ होता है |सन्धि विग्रह के क्षेत्र राष्ट्रमण्डल कहलाते हैं |सन्धि का अर्थ सन्धान तथा विग्रह का अर्थ विरुद्द कर्म कर या विरोधी कर्म अपनाना है |धनदानादि उपायों के द्वारा प्रेम का सम्बन्ध जोड़ना या मित्र बनाना सन्धि कही जाती है |राजा लोग कुछ पदार्थ ले-देकर आपस में प्रतिज्ञाबद्द होते हैं |इसी को पण भी कहते हैं |पण से होने वाली सन्धि पणबद्द कहलाती है |जब कोई किसी राजा का अपराध करता है ,तब ही विग्रह खड़ा होता है |दूसरे राष्ट्र में दाह ,लूटमार आदि भी विद्रोह के ही रूप हैं |प्रकट विग्रह ,कूट विग्रह ,मौन विग्रह ,भेद से भी विग्रह के तीन भेद बताये गये हैं |कोई भी दुर्वल राजा बलि को पणदान से जब तक के लिए सन्तुष्ट करता है ,तब तक उन दोनों की सन्धि रहती है |

चाणक्य जी ने बताया कि किस प्रकार की सुरक्षा व्यवस्था राष्ट्र के लिए आवश्यक है .

1-      आवाम अथवा परराष्ट्र सम्बन्धी कर्तव्य-मण्डल अर्थात पड़ोसी राष्ट्र से सम्बन्ध रखता है |

   भावार्थ- शत्रुओं के कार्यों या उनकी गतिविधियों की देखभाल ,उन पर वरावर रखने वाला तन्त्र ही सफलता के साथ राज्य बनाये रखता है |पड़ोसी राष्ट्रों की गतिविधियों पर नजर रखना आवश्यक तन्त्र है |अपने राज्य की सुरक्षा व् सुद्रढ़ता के लिए शत्रुओं के कार्यों या उनकी गतिविधियों पर नजर रखनी आवश्यक है |यह राष्ट्र की सुरक्षा व्यवस्था के लिए अत्यन्त आवश्यक होता है |

Wednesday 23 October 2013

Chanakya Neeti: Chapter 14.

Have a look on the inspirational ideas from chapter 14 of Chanakya Neeti.

In this world there are only three gems. They are water, food grains, and good language. On the other hand fools consider those stones to be precious gems.
Poverty, diseases, conflicts, and other problems in life are nothing, but the fruits from tree of ones own misdeeds.
You can earn money after losing it, you can make new friends, and also you can get another wife, but this is not the case with body. [take good care of your health]
Numerous straws reunite together to frame a thatch to provide protection against rain. In the same manner, when men unite together to form an army they can easily vanquish the enemy. In other words, “Unity possesses great strength”.
The following have great tendency to spread. They are oil on water,  a secret with a man of unjust character,  donation to a worthy man, and learning of a wise person.  [Yep! oil spreads on surface of water, a wicked person will reveal your secret to everyone,  donation to right kind of person will add to your glory, and a wise man keeps on learning]
One becomes enlightened and awaken on listening to the religious talks and sermons, on attending some funeral, and on falling sick severely. [... how many of us think about God only when in pain. It is not strange and very true fact]
Normally, a man regrets upon his act of sin after accomplishing it.  If same wisdom be shown before doing the action then the man will definitely attain Nirvana.
There is no need to get satisfied with knowledge, act of charity, politeness, penance, and worldly wisdom. As this worlds is full of such gems and you cannot get enough of them. [i.e. always a chance for doing better.]
Is someone lives in heart of someone then distances don’t matter. On other hand a person who has no place in heart doesn’t matter, even upon being physically near.
It will be good for you to not get too close to a king, fire, and women. Also, don’t stay too far from them otherwise you will get deprived of the rewards.  [... maintain the balance in life, of life and for life]
One must cautiously deal with fire, woman, fool, snake, and members of royalty. They may prove fatal.
Only a capable man who lives life as per principles of religion is alive in real senses . If not, then the person is living a life of no use.
A really wise man is well aware about the art of speaking, he talks as per situation, speak the words that add to his fame, and shows anger in accordance with the power he possesses.
The three views of three beings for a very beautiful woman were. She will be equivalent to a corpse for some Yogi. A lustful man will consider her as an object of desire. For a dog, she will be nothing, but a lump of meat. [... contains very deep meaning. Discretion advised]
A wise man will never reveal his secret to anyone. He won’t discuss formula of his secret medicine, his religious resolves, problem in family, consumption of bad food, and his sexual acts. Also, he will not indulge himself in such discussions. (specially the ill talks about others) [... I know you have a lot of important tasks to perform and care for time. Dont you!]
A cuckoo bird will not sing until arrival of spring i.e. there is a right time for different tasks.

O man! you must leave the company of wicked persons and must come closer to noble fellows. You must do good deeds all day and night with faith in God because this world will perish one day.  [not on the dooms day, but with your end your world will also end at that very instance]

Chanakya’s Idea about Friendship.

Chanakya says that “friendship among the equal flourishes“. This is a very very true statement. For those who disagree can refer to the relationships that are sometimes confused as friendship.
·         One leads while other follow like in a pack of wolves.
·         One takes care while other enjoys the service.
·         Relationship of a servant to a master
·         And more …
As far as Chanakya’s idea for friendship is concerned; then it must be among equals and free from any sort of liability. Otherwise it cannot be considered as a real friendship.
Also, he suggests not to be too friendly because that will only ruin the things up. Another suggestion by Chanakya is “Not to share your secrets with anyone; even not with your best friend” This way you will remain on the safe side. When someday yours relationship will not be so friendly with him/her then …
So, do not give any opportunity to anyone to harm yourself.  The idea seems somewhat wicked but you must remember that every betrayal came from a trustworthy fellow.
*** Better control your urge to share information. (Specially applicable for ladies)
Note: The idea here was not to betray but was to prevent betrayal. Everyone has ambition and therefore caution is required.
well, It will be interesting to know your idea. Feedback awaited…

Chanakya’s Idea about Friendship looks is about collaboration.

चाणक्य जी ने बताया कि राष्ट्र में अव्यवस्था कैसे फैलती है .

1-      राष्ट्र व्यवस्था तन्त्र कहलाती है |वह केवल स्वराष्ट्र विषयों के कर्तव्यों से सम्बन्धित रहती है |

  भावार्थ- राज्य स्वदेश सम्बन्धी कर्तव्य करते रहने मात्र से अपने आप व्यवस्थित होता चला जाता है |जहां राज्य अव्यवस्थित होता है ,वहां राज्यधिकारियों की स्वदेश सम्बन्धी कर्तव्यों की अवेहलना ही उसका कारण होता है |उसी से राष्ट्र में अव्यवस्था फैलती है |अतः इन कर्तव्यों को करते रहने से राष्ट्र अपने आप सुव्यवस्थित रहता है |इसका उल्लंघन करने से राष्ट्र में अव्यवस्था उत्पन्न होती है |

चाणक्य जी ने बताया कि किस नीति के बिना राजतन्त्र अधूरा है .

1-      स्वराष्ट्र सम्बन्धी,परराष्ट्र सम्बन्धी कर्तव्य अपनी राष्ट्र व्यवस्था के अंग होते हैं |

  भावार्थ- परराष्ट्र की नीति के बिना राजतन्त्र अधुरा है |परराष्ट्र का सुद्रढ़ होना अत्यावश्यक है |इसके विना कोई भी राष्ट्र सुद्रढ़ नहीं रह सकता है |स्वराष्ट्र सम्बन्धी तथा परराष्ट्र से व्यवहार विनमय सम्बन्धी दोनों प्रकार के कर्तव्य राजतन्त्र में सम्मिलित होते हैं |अर्थात उसके भले-बुरे के अनुसार भले-बुरे होते हैं |परराष्ट्र चिन्ता के बिना राजतन्त्र अधूरा रहता है |तंत्र अर्थात स्वराष्ट्र अर्थात अपनी प्रजा के जीवन साधनों की रक्षा तथा आवाम नाम से प्रसिद्द परराष्ट्र चिन्ता या उससे व्यवहार ये दोनों बातें राज्य-व्यवस्था की इतिकर्तव्यता में सम्मिलित हैं |

Monday 21 October 2013

Chanakya Neeti: Chapter 13 .

The points stated below contain ideas illustrated in the 13th chapter of Chanakya Neeti . Have a look …
It is better to live a small life (three quarters of an hour) doing good deeds than living a sinful life for thousands of years. It is your acts that count, not your life span.
One must not be afraid of future, nor shall regret upon past. Wise men concentrate on utilizing the present to frame a brighter future.
Good people, deity, and your father will not be demanding anything. You can satisfy your kith and kins by offering them good food, and for satisfying a learned men you will just require a few polite words of wisdom.
The nature of noble people is quite strange i.e. instead of acting arrogant upon attaining wealth they bow down in humility and act more modestly and respectfully.
One must give up infatuations in order to remain happy and to  gain control of his life. Infatuation is the root cause of many troubles and worries.
One who plans and prepares himself to face challenges and difficulties is most likely to succeed against problems in life. On the other hand, if a man leaves everything on luck then he will perish for sure.
If a king is religious then his subjects will also be religious, if a king is sinful then his subjects will also be sinful. Also, the subjects of a careless king will also be careless. The conclusion is that “As as king will be, so will be his subjects”
A man without religion is living dead, while a religious man lives even after his death. [Also, to be noted that Chanakya said that "The greatest religion is of humanity"]
Like the udders on neck of a goat, the life of a person is totally useless  if he has no wealth, no love, is devoid of religion with no hope of salvation.
It is characteristic of lowly people that they enjoy belittling successful people and feel jealous.
It is not possible to fulfill each and every desire. Your fate will not be able to serve them all. The solution is that the man must feel satisfaction in whatever possessions he had. [Must not confuse it with sate of inaction and feeling contented]
Even in the heard of thousands of cow the calf finds its mother. In save way the acts of a person follow him i.e. you can’t run from your deeds.
A disorganized person finds no peace no matter where he goes. In civilized society he faces the criticism of others and if in forest he will feel lonely.
Like you get water on digging, in same way on serving/comforting your guru you will gain knowledge.
Each individual gets rewarded as per his deeds. This is why wise men think about the outcome before indulging themselves into any task.
One who don’t show respect to God, takes hundred births in yoni  of a dog and then is born as a charlatan.
In the end the mighty sumeru mountain will be uprooted from its base and the land will be wiped away by sea. Even then the superior persons will be standing firm on their resolve to fulfill the promises done.
* You can show your agreement or disagreement by commenting below.

Saam Daam Dand Bhed : Chanakya Neeti.

* readers discretion advised ***
There are four ways for making someone to do a task, stated as “Saam, Daam, Dand & Bhed”. This sutra by Acharya Chanakya is used worldwide. why? It works and is highly practical. For those who don’t know can refer to the list included in the section below:
·         Saam: to advice and ask
·         Daam: to offer and buy
·         Dand: to punish
·         Bhed: exploiting the secrets
The foremost thing that must be accomplished is to tell the person about the task to be performed. Upon rejection, your move will be to explain the validity of your point, profit-involved and consequences.
Example: telling a kid about the significance of good habit & nature.
If the person understands, then that’s well and good else try Daam over him/her. Money is not everything but it can do miracles. This idea is quite similar to that of bribe. The point to be noted here is that the concept of ‘Daam’ is just not related to monetary aspects. Its far more than that i.e. its about utilizing all types of greed in that person.
Example: telling the kid that he will get a chocolate for doing good deeds.
If even this fails then comes the time to implement Dand witch refers to punishment and can be applied to appropriate levels.
Example: Restricting that kid from watching TV and playing video games. 
Anyhow, it can also fail in many scenarios. Now come the mighty ‘Bhed’. This is the stuff that works every time without a single miss. The whole idea is about exploiting the secrets of the targeted person. The various kinds of implementations will vary as per the situation. I hope no more explanations is required regarding it.
It is a bit disappointing to find people misusing the very concept of  “Saam, Daam, Dand & Bhed”. Better utilize it for a good cause. It is not the weapon, but the intention of its handler that counts.
* The concept of Chanakya neeti explained above must be understood in a broader sense.

* Always abide by the law & order and be helpful to others.

चाणक्य जी ने बताया कि किस प्रकार के लोग पशुओ के समान होते है.

1-  माँस-भक्षण करने वाले ,मधपान करने वाले ,शरावियों ,मूर्खों और निरक्षर भट्टाचार्य ,काला अक्षर भैंस बराबर आकार ,रंग-रूप में पुरुष समान परन्तु वस्तुतः पशुओं से पीड़ित और दबी रहती है |

चाणक्य जी ने विद्धानो के बारे में क्या कहा .

विधा से रहित विशाल ,बड़े कुल से मनुष्यों को क्या लाभ है ?नीच कुल में पैदा होने वाला विद्धान विद्धानों द्धारा भी खूब पूजा जाता है ,अत्यधिक आदर और सत्कार पाता है |

1-  संसार में विद्धान ही प्रशंसित होता है ,विद्धान को ही आदर-सम्मान प्राप्त होता है ,उसे ही यश और प्रशंसा मिलती है |विधा से धन-धान्य ,मन ,यश गौरव ,प्रतिष्ठा-सब-कुछ प्राप्त होता है ,विधा ही सब स्थानों पर पूजित होती है |